19 thoughts on “Comments

  1. Just wanted to say I’m writing a few paragraphs about Dirty Works in what will be the fourth volume of the Another Tuneless Racket series (subtitled The American Beat East; the West volume is already available on Amazon) and found this site to be really helpful…had the first single but knew nothing about the band. Some terrific music on the site…thanks much!

  2. Want to say thanks for this site again. It’s really nice seeing all of these photos and videos, and hearing the music. I’m starting a band with some friends (me on bass) and I wish my dad could hear us jam the same way I can hear y’all jam.

    Again, thank you. It means a lot.

    1. You’re very welcome! This is exactly why it’s here. It’s so good to know the site is being appreciated in some way, so thank you! Not much has been added lately. Nothing new has surfaced but I’m hopeful more will come. I need to search packed boxes tucked away in dusty corners. There is always the possibility someone stumbles on the site and remembers something they have to contribute. That’s the coolest stuff!
      Great to hear from you and that you are playing also! Your dad would love that.


    1. Hey Jim! I’m thrilled that people are passing it along. Thanks Bob Bennett!
      Great to hear from you. Thanks for leaving a comment!

  3. dirty workers 4 ever ! Rick, thanks for contacting me. This site is a gas, I’m happy to contribute with the photos that I have found. What is the name of the bar? The distinctive Elephant, Rue Fermee, Dutch Boy Paint & AA Quality Fertilizer wall art. It’s a mystery to me. In any case, you guys Rocked It! Has Bogey seen the pictures of him playing the trumpet? He should get a copy for his office at St,John’s Military High School, if I heard correctly a good bit ago.
    Merry Christmas !

    1. Thanks again for your contribution Albie ! Your pictures have always been keepers. Glad you could find these of the mystery venue. Some of them are really cool. Hope someone will have a memory jolt and answer this question. Not sure if Bogey knows about the site. It is a great picture of him playing!

      1. BTW thanks for leaving a comment! It’s nice to know when someone has visited. I have no way of knowing who visits so some acknowledgement of some kind makes it worth it, just sayin’

  4. Hey Rick,
    This is so fun to reminisce the Dirty Work era, and that its starting to reach out to all of the Dirty Work family and friends. Loving the pictures, videos and mostly the music you guys created.

    1. Thanks for your help with this Bob, finding all of this packed away memorabilia is a big ask. I still have places to look and haven’t gotten to it. I know there are people out there that have stuff. Hope to hear from them. The pictures you had of us in Track Studio I didn’t expect. Glad to have those! Your pics of NYE at Italian Gardens are going up soon.

  5. LOVE this. It’s really great. Thank you again for putting this together. I still listen to these songs on a regular basis. My dad would’ve been so excited about seeing this.

    1. Hi Samantha,
      I’m so glad you found the site and like it. I wish we had done it years ago. How did you become aware of it? I wasn’t sure how to contact you.

      1. Rick, I sent Samantha a message on Facebook yesterday to share with her family. I am also sharing with friends on Facebook and hope someone has a photo or two.

  6. This is so amazing! Thanks so much for putting this together—I’ve never seen a lot of those pictures. Glad I have a place I can keep listening to my dads music 🙂 Also—those flyers are hilarious! Love them!

    1. Hi Nicole,
      I can’t tell you how happy I was the see your post this morning! I’m so glad you like it. This is the very reason for doing the site. An online Dirty Work scrapbook. I’ve never seen some of these pictures either. I like the flyers too! We had so much fun with all of it. More to come!

  7. Thank you for making this-so much fun to see y’all and my pops rocking out!! Hope there is even more content to come!!

    1. Hey Ricky! Glad you like it. Yes, more to come! Just getting started, hopefully. Trying to uncover any lost artifacts and get them up. Music is coming, so check back in from time to time. Take care!

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